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A Prayer for Obedience

“Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends. Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts. Those who lend money without charging interest, and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent. Such people will stand firm forever.”Psalm 15:1-5

LORD, we humbly call upon you holy name for help to live lives pleasing to you! Thank you for the rich deposit of the HOLY SPIRIT in us that draws us close to you. He is the one that brings conviction in our hearts when we sin against you and others. Help us LORD to be obedient to your voice as we read your WORD and ponder in our hearts all that you call us to be and do! I confess and ask for forgiveness for wanting my own way over obedience to your voice. Help me LORD to desire your will and to be a blessing to others, we ask in JESUS’ NAME! Amen.


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