We are praying for you, your family, and ministry.
Any man or woman who spends time with Jesus in prayer is noticeably different. The one single activity that the most well-known men and women of God in history have all said they wished they would have done more of is to pray and to bring others with them in prayer. This is the one common denominator between any man, woman or church that has been greatly used of God. God’s power is found in His presence, there are no short cuts. Corporate (and individual) prayer is by far the most obviously neglected activity in the body of Christ.
Our desire is to come alongside of God's leaders and seek God together with them and their staff to “Renew the Secret Place in their lives and the corporate life of the body of Christ”. God has made it clear that His house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations and we long to see our churches come back to having prayer as a major priority in their ministry.
The following are some statistics from a 2011 Fuller Institute and Focus on the Family & Pastor’s Friend Ministries:
90% of pastors feel they were inadequately trained for their ministry and dealing with the demands of the people
80% of pastors feel unqualified or discouraged in their role as pastor.
80% of seminary and Bible school grads will leave the ministry in the first 5 years
70% of pastors do not have anyone they consider a personal friend
70% of pastors say they will not be in ministry 10 years from now.
50% of pastors say they would leave the ministry today because of discouragement, but have no other way of making a living.
90% of pastors work in excess of 60 hours per week
94% feel under pressure to have a perfect family.
80% of pastors say they have insufficient time with their spouse.
80% believe that pastoral ministry affects their families negatively.
75% severe stress anguish, worry, bewilderment, anger, depression, fear, and alienation.
Many would change jobs if they could.
1,500 pastors leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure.
Doctors, lawyers and clergy have the most problems with drug abuse, alcoholism and suicide.

Jim Maxim Speaking Request
ACTS413 Ministries' founder and author, Jim Maxim, speaks, prays, and teaches across the nation. He has been a featured guest speaker on radio, TV, as well as conferences, rallies, prayer events, churches, and schools. Jim's passion for prayer and heart for pastors makes for a dynamic, encouraging, and challenging event to remember.
Acts413 is committed to prayer for Gods leaders and organizing events to that end. It could be through prayer conferences in large or small settings. Some gatherings are with hundreds of leaders and some are with church staff. Many are one on one meetings with Pastors or leaders to help them renew their personal time with God and to encourage them.
Only God can supply us with the strength we need to serve Him and many times through good intentions we allow ourselves to get drained to the point of total exhaustion and the ministry seems like something that is just too much for us to continue. God, through the power of His Holy Spirit promises to renew our strength like an eagle and sometimes that just seems too good to be true or just too far out of reach. We feel called of God to walk through this particularly with pastors, leaders and the local body of Christ.