Nearly 50 years ago, Jim Maxim was at the lowest point of his life. As Jim lay at death's door, Jim's mother prayed for the soul of her son. God answered her prayer and Jim's life was claimed, redeemed, and transformed for Jesus Christ. The dramatic story of Jim's conversion is found in his book, “Face-to-Face with God.”
Jim served our country as a Marine. In business, he created multiple successful companies within the automotive industry.
While working as an entrepreneur, Jim served God in prison ministries, speaking, and as a board member of ministries like Hope Pregnancy Center, The Valley Forge Leadership Prayer Breakfast, Strategic Renewal, People for People, and others.
In 2011, Jim and his wife Cathy, founded Acts413 Ministries where they evangelize, counsel, and minister in the name of Jesus all over the world. In particular, Jim has been burdened to pray, and to lead others in intercessory prayer, for pastors, their families and churches.
The highlight of Acts413 Ministries was city wide prayer gatherings held throughout the United States. They served as a catalyst to mobilize the body of Christ to intercede for our pastors and their families. Christians from every denomination, socioeconomic background, culture, and color to worship and pray through scripture in the name of Jesus Christ. While the prayers covered many topics, there was always a special focus on interceding for pastors, their families, and churches. Jim firmly believes that the Church is the primary plan for ministering to God’s people on earth.
Jim has been married to his lovely bride Cathy for 46 years and has three sons, three daughter-in-laws, and three grandchildren.