To Mobilize the body of christ to prayer
Entering into the throne room of heaven is the height of humanity and yet the lowest priority for many Christians. The seemingly small work of prayer challenges our faith to simply take God at His word. When God’s people recognize that He is not only true to His word, but that HE IS HIS WORD, God’s people begin to see what prayer can really do.
When Jim Maxim was at the lowest point of his life and laid at death's door, Jim's mother prayed for the soul of her son. God answered her prayer and Jim's life was claimed, redeemed, and transformed for Jesus Christ. The dramatic story of Jim's conversion is found in his book, “Face-to-Face with God.”
Since that time, Jim has been evangelizing, counseling, and ministering in the name of Jesus all over the world. In particular, Jim has been burdened to pray, and to lead others in intercessory prayer, for pastors, their families and churches. God continues to use Jim, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to renew their prayer lives and to encourage God's people in their walks with Him.
"My heart’s desire is for God to use me to bring others to Him through any means He wants to. My prayer is that God will use this work as I surrender it to Him as an offering to bring many others to Himself. - Jim Maxim"

Jim and Cathy Maxim

For over 40 years, God has lead Jim to acts as a catalyst to call the greater body of Christ out of division and into corporate-intercessory prayer...for pastors, their families, our churches, cities, and nation. He founded ACTS413 Ministries to carry out this calling. This began The Prayer Gathering (aka The Delaware Valley Prayer Gathering) in Philadelphia as a unique event that set the stage for God's people to transcend their divisions, differences, and denominations and seek Him. Thousands upon thousands of Christians from every denomination, color, and background continue to be united for one purpose…
to PRAY and SEEK the FACE of GOD!
Jim was called by God, through the invitation of Pastor Eric Capaci, to bring the message of prayer to Hot Springs, AR. This began a journey that would transform the lives of God's people in that city. A series of Prayer Gatherings hosted thousands of brothers & sisters in Christ, representing over 50 different churches and denominations. The Holy Spirit sparked something wonderful! Racial walls began to fall, pastors repented of their prayerlessness, civil authorities were united with their spiritual authorities to be accountable, and God's people re-committed themselves to prayer.
Pastors from all over the Hot Springs region are now regularly meeting together for support, fellowship and prayer. The seeds of authentic redemptive change have taken root and the results have been miraculous!
Jim then followed God's call to write several 21 day prayer devotionals. The aim of these devotionals is to help guide readers in prayer with the corresponding recorded audio prayers for each of the 21 days. Many churches across the world have used these books as simple turn-key tools to encourage prayer among their congregations, small groups and leadership teams. Bulk Discounts & Resources
As part of Jim Maxim's love for pastor's and churches, he travels to various churches for speaking engagements as they start their 21 Days of Prayer together. Request Jim to speak at your church by filling out the contact form below.

Request Jim to speak at your event
Jim Maxim, speaks, prays, and teaches across the nation. He has been a featured guest speaker on radio, TV, as well as conferences, rallies, prayer events, churches, and schools. Jim's passion for prayer and heart for pastors makes for a dynamic, encouraging, and challenging event to remember. If you would like to request Jim as a speaker at your event, please fill out the Request Form below.