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Dear Church Leader, 

Jim Maxim and his co-authors have written two 21 Day Prayer Devotionals as complete tools to assist you and your congregation. As Christians, we know how important prayer is, but all too often it becomes an after-thought or a tag-line to our Christian lives. Knowing how tied-up the week of a pastor and church leader can be, we wanted to provide a simple, yet complete, prayer tool to aid your goal of bringing your community back to meaningful and unified prayer. 


Enhance your group's devotional experience!


These 21 day devotional books have a unique feature. The authors have recorded corresponding prayers that can be listened to on our website. These audio prayers help guide our readers into daily prayer.   After you read each chapter, visit ACTS413.NET/21DAYS to listen to the corresponding recorded prayers from the author of that chapter. 

"We pray earnestly for God’s presence in your life to be so contagious that He will use your new-found passion for prayer to ignite your pastor, your church, your personal life and your loved ones, setting them all on fire for His glory! 

Please join us on this 21-day journey as we enter God’s presence together and discover the limitless power of the prayer of agreement - to bring change in our lives for eternity." -  Jim Maxim

21 DAy Prayer Devotionals
For Churches and Small Groups

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$3 per book! 


21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer – The Power of Agreement
written by Jim Maxim with Cathy Maxim and Daniel Henderson

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” 

Matthew 18:19–20 


The prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful gifts that God has provided for victory in our Christian lives. He has promised us that He will respond to this time of focused prayer as we seek His face together.


Help your brothers and sisters in the Lord experience first-hand the faith-building, heart-changing power that only comes from investing prayer-time with our Almighty Father together. Use 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer as an instructive, yet simple tool to lead a focused season of unity that is changing communities today, with lasting impact into eternity!

Join together with your congregation, small group or even as an individual for twenty-one days with this powerful prayer devotional. Experience how different your prayer life and fellowship can be as believers go to God together to experience a time of intimacy and intercession. This book will forever change the way you pray, think, and act regarding the gift of prayer.


Let this be the opportunity for your community to unite and take God at His word!

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21 Days of Deeper Prayer – Discover an Extraordinary Life in God
written by Jim Maxim with Daniel Henderson

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

John 7:38


God wants you to experience Him more fully than ever before!

Jesus told His followers that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from the depths of their beings. These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit and are available in prayer!

When we receive Jesus, God's Spirit takes up residence within us to be our Teacher, Guide, Ruler, and Comforter. Wound you like to consistently experience an intimate relationship with Him, where He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of the people around you? 

21 Days of Deeper Prayer is designed to teach how our Father’s unmeasurable greatness is demonstrated in the lives of people for whom you intercede. Your walk with the Lord can be infused with God’s presence when you learn His way, which is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33.)

21 Days of Deeper Prayer delves into the Bible’s teaching on spiritual warfare. Putting on “the whole armor of God” is not just some random biblical saying. It is preparation for warfare—and if ever the church has needed warriors and true soldiers of the cross who understand how to use the weapons God gave us, it is right now.

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21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds
written by Jim Maxim with Daniel Henderson

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal [made of flesh and bones]
but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”

2 Corinthians 10:4


No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Strongholds hinder you from becoming all that God desires for you and the person you truly long to be.


In this war, Satan has specific assignments against us that can become strongholds in our lives—issues involving anger, sex, alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, obsessive thoughts of fear or anxiety, depression, and hatred.


In 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, author Jim Maxim takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.


God’s truth and the power of intercessory prayer will enable you to wield the spiritual weapons that cast down the strongholds in your life and the lives of your loved ones.


Knowing God—and knowing that He’s at work in you with His power and His plan—will enable you to have victory over demonic strongholds like negative emotions, addictions, compulsiveness, inferiority complex, and anything else that is out of control. All of these can be broken and defeated every time through the power of prayer, just as Jesus taught us

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Social posts of book quotes and Scripture for each

of the 21 Days. 

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for use on Wide Screens

Book covers and badges to create your own communications.

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21 day Visuals to use with your Group

Use these images for social media, presentations, and internal communications.

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PD 18 Verse Slide.jpg
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Pray together with your church, small group, or family by ordering multiple copies.

*Purchase 50 copies or more to receive a 50% discount & FREE shipping & handling.*

How to Receive the Bulk Order Discount

This special bulk pricing is only available through our publisher's retail website, Purchase 50 copies or more to receive 50% off the retail price & FREE shipping & handling. Price will be reflected in the cart. The price per book will be $3 per copy and the shipping will be free. Be sure to order your copies in advance of your 21 Day reading start date due to high demand, printing & shipping delays.

For any additional help with your bulk order or to set up a church account for with Anchor Publishing, please email customer service at:

21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer - The Power of Agreement
21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer - The Power of Agreement

21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer - The Power of Agreement

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Daniel Henderson on 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer

Daniel Henderson on 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer

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In 21 Days, you can.... (21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer)

In 21 Days, you can.... (21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer)

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21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer - The Power of Agreement

21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer - The Power of Agreement

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